I must say, I have been continually impressed by Char Reed’s depictions of the characters in Wings of Twilight. You have to view the images at their full size to fully appreciate of the use of texture in the images. In particular, take a close look at Lorelei’s clothing or at Strom’s armor. I just noticed how detailed they were today, and I am just amazed.

Of course, I’m sure some people think it’s probably a waste of money to commission this artwork just so I can plug my book on my website, but I may try to include them in the electronic versions of the books. Kindle readers won’t get to see them in their full glory, unfortunately, but the greyscale renditions should be quite impressive, still. Unfortunately, at this point, it looks like I won’t be able to include these gorgeous images in the print version, at least, not in color. Since I cannot afford to print the book ahead of time in mass quantities, it is cost prohibitive to offer Wings of Twilight through CreateSpace and Amazon.com in color. I’d have to charge more than $35 a copy to break even, and it still would not have a hard cover.

But, at the very least, you will still be able to see the artwork here.