Looking for Doctor StrangeRoll?

What’s Doctor StrangeRoll you may ask? Why, it’s my gaming blog! Yes, in addition to writing and publishing novels, I play tabletop role-playing games (and sometimes other tabletop games and video games). This blog is about writing, but I see no reason not to...

Back in the Saddle

So, it’s been quiet around here lately and you may be wondering “Where is Zack Jackson 4?” Well, I’ve been moving. Not far; I still live in the same city. It was a downsizing move. However, now that is essentially finished (still need to finish...

Themes in My Writing

I want to expand a bit on my twitter thread from today (the one about my books, not one about whatever else I talked about). When I wrote The Foundation of Drak-Anor, I had a story to tell. A story about misfits and “monsters” finding acceptance in a world...

The Trusty Steed

This is a reblog of a post; the original post is linked after my comments. I didn’t use horses in Wings of Twilight for one simple reason: I forgot until I was two-thirds of the way through the first draft. Then, I decided that there was a perfectly reasonable...

Salvation Cover… REVEALED

You’ve seen the artwork, but there’s more to a cover than just art. Thanks to the efforts of Eric Hubbel, I’m proud to present Scars of the Sundering, book 3: Salvation. The files will be going to the printer in the next few days and I will have...