Take Care, Be Aware… at Gen Con

Gen Con is nigh! With just over two weeks to go before the best four days in gaming (as of the time I’m posting this), I’m not going to rehash what so many others have put out there; there are tons of blogs and articles out there with advice regarding large...

Take Care, Be Aware… at Gen Con

Sorry if you were looking for my gaming blog, DoctorStrangeRoll, where this article used to appear, I’m putting it here since I am appearing in my capacity as an author (Authors’ Avenue Table G, approximately where booth 957 would be), rather than just a...

Gen Con 50 Wrap-Up!

The Best Four Days of Gaming™ have come and gone and Gen Con 50 is behind us. I came away with a pleasing number of sales (which will hopefully generate some new fans for the World of Calliome and Zack Jackson), some new ideas, and a few hopes for future...

Disability Awareness at Gen Con (updated for 2017!)

If you were looking for my gaming blog, DoctorStrangeRoll, where this article usually appears, I’m putting it here since that one is updating daily with RPGaDAY 2017, and I don’t want this to get lost in the flood. Gen Con is nigh! With just over a week to...

Where I’ll be: Gen Con 50

If you’re coming to Gen Con 50 next month (it’s only about 3 weeks away as of this posting!), you may be asking yourself: How do I find Hans and his wonderful books*? I’m easy to find at Gen Con. Sure, I joke a lot about how I always seem to be in...