Pancras Fan Art

I just received a lovely piece of fan art. Obviously, it’s Pancras and he looks great. I think he’d be a bit embarrassed and no doubt the drak twins would tease him for weeks.

Gen Con 50 Wrap-Up!

The Best Four Days of Gaming™ have come and gone and Gen Con 50 is behind us. I came away with a pleasing number of sales (which will hopefully generate some new fans for the World of Calliome and Zack Jackson), some new ideas, and a few hopes for future...

Character Preview: The Golden Slayer

It’s not a spoiler to reveal that our heroes reach Muncifer in Lament, book 2 of Scars of the Sundering. A new locale means new characters, and two women enter Pancras’s life and change the course of his future. The first is The Golden Slayer, Gisella...

World of Calliome – updated!

For Scars of the Sundering, I decided to update the world map. Sure, I could be cheap and just include the same map I used in Wings of Twilight and Iron Fist of the Oroqs, but Scars of the Sundering spans most of Andelosia (that’s the continent you can see on...

New art and new fantasy novels!

While I was at Gen Con, I met an impressive young artist, Lily Yang. Her portfolio impressed me so much, I decided to commission her to do the covers for my next three fantasy novels. I’m currently working on the first of three books that continues the story of...