I have finished the first draft of book three in the Zack Jackson series, Zack Jackson & The Hives of Valtra. Unfortunately, due to holiday madness, editing won’t start until after the holidays. Once I get a second draft, I’ll be looking for Beta Readers. There are a few heavy issues the characters have to deal with, and I want to make sure I deal with them in a serious, respectful fashion. I want to do it right.
While it lingers waiting for my editor’s time to free up, I am going to try to get a good start on the next World of Calliome novel. Scars of the Sundering petered out this year. I knew what I wanted to write, I knew where I wanted the story to go, but I just didn’t believe in certain characters’ motivations. As the year dragged on, I started to suspect the problem was the number of human characters in the story. I think part of the strength of my World of Calliome novels is the non-human characters (not to mention a certain lampshading of traditional fantasy novels with human protagonists). Wish me luck as I go back to the well, and start this next story back in Drak-Anor*.
*Having said that, any book that I might write will NOT be part of The Foundation of Drak-Anor series. It may follow the events of those novels, but will not be a direct sequel, per se. One will not need to have read Wings of Twilight or Iron First of the Oroqs to enjoy future novels in the World of Calliome.