RPG-a-Day 2018 – Week Two: Wildest Character Name?

The wildest character name I’ve ever come up with that wasn’t a joke name (like Gristle McThornbody the dwarf or Wond-R-Boy for Paranoia) is my Tycherosy Hound for Blades in the Dark: Uxorious Gethsemane-Prince, the Crimson Crow, a member of the Barbican...

Looking for Doctor StrangeRoll?

What’s Doctor StrangeRoll you may ask? Why, it’s my gaming blog! Yes, in addition to writing and publishing novels, I play tabletop role-playing games (and sometimes other tabletop games and video games). This blog is about writing, but I see no reason not to...

#RPGaDay2018 – Time to Catch Up!

Over on my gaming blog, Doctor StrangeRoll, I’ve been participating in the fifth annual RPG-a-Day celebration. Starting tomorrow, I’ll have those posted here, too. In the meantime, you can get caught up over at Doctor StrangeRoll: Week One: WHAT…...

Zack Jackson & The Secret of Venus

Making its debut in print Thursday, August 2nd, is the fourth novel in the on-going Zack Jackson series, Zack Jackson & The Secret of Venus. Join Zack as he returns to for his second year at Cytherean Academy and reunites with his friends Ix and Jenny....