The Trusty Steed

This is a reblog of a post; the original post is linked after my comments. I didn’t use horses in Wings of Twilight for one simple reason: I forgot until I was two-thirds of the way through the first draft. Then, I decided that there was a perfectly reasonable...

Cyber Monday Sale! (through Friday)

Scars of the Sundering, books 1 and 2 (Malediction and Lament) are only $0.99 for Kindle. Book 3 (Salvation) is FREE! Scars of the Sundering is an epic fantasy trilogy telling the tale of the minotaur Pancras and his friends, the drak twins Kale and Delilah, as they...

Pancras Fan Art

I just received a lovely piece of fan art. Obviously, it’s Pancras and he looks great. I think he’d be a bit embarrassed and no doubt the drak twins would tease him for weeks.

Gen Con 50 Wrap-Up!

The Best Four Days of Gaming™ have come and gone and Gen Con 50 is behind us. I came away with a pleasing number of sales (which will hopefully generate some new fans for the World of Calliome and Zack Jackson), some new ideas, and a few hopes for future...

Best of Indy Nomination Time!

Thanks to everyone who came to see me on Author’s Avenue this weekend! Each year, I participate in a local contest: Best of Indy. You can to vote daily to nominate your favorite Indianapolis business and personalities and I would appreciate your support in the...