Tom McNeil is the author of “Top of the Heap,” and the next victim author in my interview series. Where did you get the idea for your story? I started writing “Top of the Heap” around 2002. At the time, I had read several articles on the...
Some time last year, someone at Fear the Boot had the idea to publish an anthology of short fiction written by members of the Fear the Boot Writer’s Guild and other genre authors (by invitation). I wrote up a pitch, and my story Forgotten Dreams was accepted and...
Last week, I stopped by Holy Name Catholic School in Beech Grove, Indiana to speak to two 7th grade classes about writing. I was invited by the teacher after she read my Zack Jackson novels. I’ve never thought of myself as a teacher, or indeed, as one anyone...
A while back, I did an interview with SciFiPulse Radio. The episode went live today! You can listen to it here. I talk about my fantasy novels and my young adult science fiction novels, and I may have completely put my foot in my mouth when I talked about one of my...
On December 13th from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, I will be signing books at Half-Price Books in Clearwater Village on the north side of Indianapolis. Books make great Christmas gifts and I will be happy to sign and personalize any of my novels for you or your loved ones. I...
So, in all the excitement I forgot to mention that Underdiscussion: The Undergopher Podcast interviewed me at Gen Con. You can listen to the episode here: Actually, I think there...