Graphic Design Matters

Some indie publishers think just putting their work “out there” is good enough. They wrote the book, proofread it, and they’re done. Buy it. Maybe they hired someone to edit it. Maybe they found a stock image (there’s nothing wrong with stock...

Zack Jackson update

I was unsatisfied with my attempts to design the cover for Zack Jackson & The Cytherean Academy, so I hired an actual graphic designer to do it for me. His preliminary work was so good, I’m having him re-do the graphic design for Zack Jackson & The Cult...

Kindle Exclusivity

The period of Kindle exclusivity on Wings of Twilight and Iron Fist of the Oroqs ends on Saturday. Beginning Sunday (or Monday, depending on how long it takes the files to process through the system), you’ll be able to purchase both novels in The Foundation of...

Zack Jackson Promotion

Sci-fi has a long history of celebrating diversity, so in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. day*, today and tomorrow you can download the Kindle version of Zack Jackson & The Cult of Athos absolutely free! Just click the link and it will take you right to the...