Juggling Work w/Work

It’s not easy trying to get off the ground as an author while working a day job, especially when you get a priority project that requires over-time (evenings and weekends) for an extended period of time. It’s been mentally exhausting since the last couple...

Website Changes

You might notice a slight change in the web address. Fear not, http://hccummings.wordpress.com will still bring you here, but so will http://vffpublishing.com. I registered the domain vffpublishing.com because I’m going to start calling my imprint for...

Iron Fist of the Oroqs & More

The first draft of Iron Fist of the Oroqs, the sequel to Wings of Twilight is complete. It clocks in a nearly 1,000 words longer than Wings of Twilight. As I finish up the denouement and do a read through before passing it off for the first proofread/edit, I’ll...

Wings of Twilight in PRINT

Wings of Twilight is now available in print from Amazon.com! Of course, you can still buy it directly from CreateSpace. It’s still filtering through the distribution network, so if you’re holding out to support Barnes & Noble or something, you’ll...