Well, that’s pretty easy. Over the next year, I would like to finish our Tomb of Annihilation game and start a new campaign using a system we have not played that extensively. Of course, what that will be will be determined by everyone’s mood, but if, for...
One game came to mind immediately: Blades in the Dark. When I needed to put my Tomb of Annihilation game on hold while I finalized preparations to move (i.e. when I disassembled my gaming table and packed up all my stuff), two fellows in my gaming group stepped up to...
Most of my gaming has revolved around fairly “mainstream” RPGs: Star Wars, Dungeons & Dragons, now Blades in the Dark. I’ve played so many, every time I think of a title I’ve really enjoyed, I can think of people who are big fans or...
I’ve played so many great games, it’s hard to pick just one that I would play again if I could. Actually, it’s not that difficult, since I like pulp and dinosaurs, there’s only one option: Hollow Earth Expedition. It uses a dice pool system,...
This is a tough one for me. When I think of non-dice systems, the only one I can think of is Amber Diceless and I have never played it, so I don’t know if I like it or not. I like plenty of games that don’t use dice, but none of them are role-playing...
I like Dice Pools. I like throwing more and more dice the more proficient my character gets. I also like the idea of adding opposed dice based on difficulty. Fantasy Flight Game’s narrative dice system, such as they use in their Star Wars RPGs and in Genesys...