As a new year begins, it’s time to take stock of what projects I have on the table and where they all stand. “Burble’s Big Day” A short story I wrote for an collaborative Author’s Avenue anthology (the quality of which I was extremely...
There’s a lot of great writing advice out there. The best advice comes with the caveat that it is what works for the author who wrote it and may, but not neccessarily, work for you, too. This advice includes things like restrict adverb use (or more extremely, NO...
National Novel Writing Month is upon us! For the first time since I started participating in 2007, I am not writing anything of substance this month. The reason for this is simple: I already have two manuscripts in the process of revisions and editing, and I do not...
Doing a day-by-day breakdown seems kind of silly when I essentially did the same thing every day. The only day where something markedly different occurred was Sunday after the traditional end-of-Gen Con annoucement. But, that’s getting ahead of myself. Set-up on...
Once again, I am honored to be nominated for Nuvo’s Readers’ Choice Best of Indy – Best Local Author. You can vote daily through August. I’d appreciate your support for Best Local Author. Just click the link above to be taken to the voting...
Sadly, ConQuesT 47 was not as successful as I had hoped. Last minute staff shake-ups, last year’s harassment scandal, plus the close proximity of Planet ComicCon and Mid-America Con II/WorldCon resulted in a fraction of the expected attendance. There was also a...