A Spin on Urban Fantasy

A discussion in my Tuesday evening writers’ group inspired me to think about my own Urban Fantasy world I’ve been developing for a couple of years now (here and there). At first, I thought it would basically be our own world, but with magic, cryptids,...

2016: The Year Ahead

So what can you look forward to in 2016? Most of my time, at least, in the first half of the year, will be devoted to revising and publishing Scars of the Sundering, books 2 and 3: Lament and Salvation. My goal is to have Lament finish for a debut at ConQuesT in...

2015 Year in Review

I know, I know: I’m two weeks into 2016 already, so this is a little late. Better late than never, right? So, what did I accomplish in 2015? I released the first novel of a new fantasy trilogy. Scars of the Sundering, book 1: Malediction sold out at Gen Con. I...

NaNoWriMo – Week 5 (sort of)

The fifth Sunday! Tomorrow is the last day of NaNoWriMo! If you’ve been hitting your goals, you’ll cruise past 50,000 words tomorrow and you’re darn close today. Heck, if you push yourself, you could be finished today. If you’ve been writing...

NaNoWriMo Week 4!

This is it: the beginning of NaNoWriMo week 4. I know I’m a day late; I was busy writing! Only 8 days left! If you’re going by strict word count, you should have reached 36,674 words yesterday. But you know, if you are behind, you can still make it. If...

NaNoWriMo Week 3

We’re at the mid-point of NaNoWriMo 2015 now. Did you know there are five Sundays in November this year? That’s five Week Beginnings to crank out words. I can hear some of you now: Five weeks to fail. No, no, no. It’s not about failing or succeeding....