NaNoWriMo – Week 2

So, how is your NaNoWriMo going? Well? Poorly? Some where in between? There’s still time. It’s only week 2. Maybe you’re panicking. Maybe you didn’t write ANYTHING during week one because that pesky thing called “Real Life” got in...

Gen Con Wrap-Up – An Author’s Perspective

2015 was my third year exhibiting my books on Author’s Avenue at Gen Con. Over 61,000 attendees converged on downtown Indianapolis for four days of gaming and geekery. A percentage of them purchased my novels (it was a statistically insignificant percentage, but...

The Challenge of Malediction

mal*e*dic*tion noun :  curse, execration<the maledictions of great poets, whose hate confers an unwelcome immortality — John Buchan> Origin of MALEDICTION Middle English malediccioun, from Late Latin malediction-, maledictio, from maledictus (past participle...


Thanks to everyone who came out to my event at Indy Reads Books this past weekend, despite the crummy weather. The staff was helpful and friendly, and I appreciate the support of everyone who came out to hear me read an excerpt from Zack Jackson & The Hives of...