Commenculate with NaNoWriMo!

National Novel Writing Month started on Saturday. I’ve participated the last seven years, and I participated in Camp NaNo this past July. The bulk of, if not the entire first draft of Wings of Twilight and all three Zack Jackson novels were written during...

Best of Indy – Best Local Author Honoree!

Thanks to the support of readers like you, I was chosen as an Honoree in Nuvo’s Reader’s Choice 2014 Best of Indy — Best Local Author! I was beaten by John Green and Dan Wakefield, both of whom have their own Wikipedia pages, so I don’t think I...

Book Signing, August 2nd, Lake Geneva, WI

If you’re local to Lake Geneva, WI (or if you just want to come up for the day), I will be having a book signing at the Breadloaf Book Shop in Lake Geneva on the afternoon of August 2nd. I will have copies of all five of my novels, and possibly a limited number...

Looking for me at Gen Con?

Gen Con event registration opened this past Sunday. Since I didn’t submit any events, you won’t find my name in the event catalog. You can find me at Gen Con, however, because I have a table on Author’s Avenue. I will be in the Dealer Hall from open...

You Can Still Vote!

Voting is in its third week. Please don’t forget to vote for Hans Cummings for Indy’s Best Local Author.