Vote for Me!

Thanks to everyone who nominated me, I am on the ballot for Nuvo’s 2014 Best of Indy as Best Local Author! Vote for Me (You could also vote for Q Artistry as Best Local Performing Arts Group and in the other categories they’re in, I know they’d...

Revisiting an Old Story

Back in 2008, I was proud of my successful completion of NaNoWriMo 2007. I wrote a ninety-five thousand-ish-word superhero story in thirty days, so I was confident and ready to write again. On Nov. 1, 2008, I started Clockwork Cowboy, a western fantasy, which I...

A Taste of Teaching

Last week, I stopped by Holy Name Catholic School in Beech Grove, Indiana to speak to two 7th grade classes about writing. I was invited by the teacher after she read my Zack Jackson novels. I’ve never thought of myself as a teacher, or indeed, as one anyone...

What I’ve Been up to

As I am notoriously bad at updating this blog (at least, in my own mind), I thought this would be a good time to catch up and let everyone know what I’ve been up to. Work on Zack Jackson & The Hives of Valtra progresses. I have started the revisions on my...

Reading and Writing

I’ve heard many times that a good author also has to be a voracious reader. In my youth, from elementary school through high school and college up until 2006, I was a voracious reader. I would devour a book a week, sometimes more. Then, in 2006, during my...

2013 in Review and Looking Ahead

Last year, I set forth several goals for myself. In case you don’t want to dig through the archives, they were: Publish Zack Jackson & The Cytherean Academy I accomplished this goal! HUZZAH! It was released on June 9, 2013. I’m really happy with the...