Cover Art Evolution – Zack Jackson, part 4

With the final design agreed upon, Scott Christian Sava provided me with some quick color ideas. He scanned the sketches into Photoshop and used that software to color the image quickly, to give me an idea where he was thinking of going once he started putting brush...

Cover Art Evolution – Zack Jackson, part 3

After tweaking the design of the four main characters, cover artist Scott Christian Sava sent me a sketch that included background elements. You can see the sun rising (or setting) over snow-capped mountains behind the protagonists. They’ve crashed on a planet...

Cover Art Evolution – Zack Jackson, part 2

After going back and forth a few times discussing options, the artist, Scott Christian Sava, sent me another sketch. This one included all four main characters. The art style is inspired by the pulp sci-fi magazine covers of the 50s and 60s and by artists such as...

Cover Art Evolution – Zack Jackson, part 1

I’ve been working with Scott Christian Sava of The Dreamland Chronicles on the cover art for the debut novel in my Young-Adult Science-Fiction series, Zack Jackson & the Cult of Athos. This will be the first in a series of posts showing the cover from...

Zack Jackson Series

Zack Jackson and the Cult of Athos is the debut novel in a new YA Sci-Fi series. Zack is an ordinary kid from 43rd Century Wyoming, embarking on his first interstellar trip with the Junior Rangers. When an accident strands Zack and his friends on an alien world, they...