Fantasy and ScienCe Fiction Blog

Thoughts on Fantasy, Fiction, and Gaming

Hans Cummings Blog

The fantasy and science fiction blog is the best place to find news and information about Hans Cummings novels and short stories, as well as announcements about events and appearances. Here, you will also find various thoughts from Hans, both new and historical. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

Fantasy and science fiction blog cropped image of the cover of Salvation

New Page for Art

Frequent visitors may notice a slight change to the site. I rearranged the options on the menu bar at the top of the page and added one: Visions of Art. Visions of Art is the page on which the various pieces of character art, maps, and concept art will reside. I...

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ConQuesT 47 Wrap-Up

Sadly, ConQuesT 47 was not as successful as I had hoped. Last minute staff shake-ups, last year's harassment scandal, plus the close proximity of Planet ComicCon and Mid-America Con II/WorldCon resulted in a fraction of the expected attendance. There was also a...

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