Fantasy and ScienCe Fiction Blog
Thoughts on Fantasy, Fiction, and Gaming
Hans Cummings Blog
The fantasy and science fiction blog is the best place to find news and information about Hans Cummings novels and short stories, as well as announcements about events and appearances. Here, you will also find various thoughts from Hans, both new and historical. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

2016: The Year Ahead
So what can you look forward to in 2016? Most of my time, at least, in the first half of the year, will be devoted to revising and publishing Scars of the Sundering, books 2 and 3: Lament and Salvation. My goal is to have Lament finish for a debut at ConQuesT in...
2015 Year in Review
I know, I know: I'm two weeks into 2016 already, so this is a little late. Better late than never, right? So, what did I accomplish in 2015? I released the first novel of a new fantasy trilogy. Scars of the Sundering, book 1: Malediction sold out at Gen Con. I...
Meet Jenny
Here's another character from my Zack Jackson series, Genevieve "Jenny" DuBois. Jenny is a Junior Ranger and student at Cytherean Academy, one of the EACs more prestigious schools. Cytherean Academy is on the eponymous aerostat on Venus. (See, breathable air is a...
Meet Mungus
So, I've commissioned some more character art, this time from my Zack Jackson series. This is Mungus (more properly, Mungaborrarius, son of Goreborrarius Tonnarvassas, First Warrior of Clan Stonetalon), an Ersidian from my Zack Jackson series. He's a Junior...
NaNoWriMo – Week 5 (sort of)
The fifth Sunday! Tomorrow is the last day of NaNoWriMo! If you've been hitting your goals, you'll cruise past 50,000 words tomorrow and you're darn close today. Heck, if you push yourself, you could be finished today. If you've been writing like a fiend, then you're...