Fantasy and ScienCe Fiction Blog
Thoughts on Fantasy, Fiction, and Gaming
Hans Cummings Blog
The fantasy and science fiction blog is the best place to find news and information about Hans Cummings novels and short stories, as well as announcements about events and appearances. Here, you will also find various thoughts from Hans, both new and historical. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

Gen Con Wrap-Up – An Author’s Perspective
2015 was my third year exhibiting my books on Author's Avenue at Gen Con. Over 61,000 attendees converged on downtown Indianapolis for four days of gaming and geekery. A percentage of them purchased my novels (it was a statistically insignificant percentage, but we're...
Gen Con – Where I Will Be
If you plan on looking for me at Gen Con (and let's be honest, why wouldn't you?), then take a gander at this map. I'll be at the little red square most of the convention. That's table AF on Author's Avenue, around 1250, if you're proficient navigating by the row...
Scars of the Sundering, Book 1 – Malediction – Pre-Orders Available!
After MUCH heartache, Scars of the Sundering, Book 1: Malediction is now up for pre-order on Amazon! Pancras thought trouble waited at the end of his journey. Shadow demons, chaos rifts, and petty archmages all conspire to disrupt his quiet life. Summoned to face a...
The Challenge of Malediction
mal*e*dic*tion noun : curse, execration<the maledictions of great poets, whose hate confers an unwelcome immortality — John Buchan> Origin of MALEDICTION Middle English malediccioun, from Late Latin malediction-, maledictio, from maledictus (past participle...
Scars of the Sundering – Malediction
Edits are back for book 1 of the Scars of the Sundering trilogy, Malediction! Cover art is finished! The new map is finished! All that remains is incorporating some Beta Reader feedback and doing a final revision pass. That means that I will have print copies to sell...