Fantasy and ScienCe Fiction Blog
Thoughts on Fantasy, Fiction, and Gaming
Hans Cummings Blog
The fantasy and science fiction blog is the best place to find news and information about Hans Cummings novels and short stories, as well as announcements about events and appearances. Here, you will also find various thoughts from Hans, both new and historical. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

RPG-a-Day 2018 – Your gaming ambition for the next year.
Well, that's pretty easy. Over the next year, I would like to finish our Tomb of Annihilation game and start a new campaign using a system we have not played that extensively. Of course, what that will be will be determined by everyone's mood, but if, for example,...
RPG-a-Day 2018 – Week Four: Name a game that had an impact on you in the last year.
One game came to mind immediately: Blades in the Dark. When I needed to put my Tomb of Annihilation game on hold while I finalized preparations to move (i.e. when I disassembled my gaming table and packed up all my stuff), two fellows in my gaming group stepped up to...
RPG-a-Day 2018 – Week Four: WHICH… RPG do you think deserves greater recognition?
Most of my gaming has revolved around fairly "mainstream" RPGs: Star Wars, Dungeons & Dragons, now Blades in the Dark. I've played so many, every time I think of a title I've really enjoyed, I can think of people who are big fans or companies that are trying to...
RPG-a-Day 2018 – Week Four: WHICH… game do you hope to play again?
I've played so many great games, it's hard to pick just one that I would play again if I could. Actually, it's not that difficult, since I like pulp and dinosaurs, there's only one option: Hollow Earth Expedition. It uses a dice pool system, but to determine success...
RPG-a-Day 2018 – Week Four: WHICH… non-dice system appeals to you?
This is a tough one for me. When I think of non-dice systems, the only one I can think of is Amber Diceless and I have never played it, so I don't know if I like it or not. I like plenty of games that don't use dice, but none of them are role-playing games. It gets...