Fantasy and ScienCe Fiction Blog
Thoughts on Fantasy, Fiction, and Gaming
Hans Cummings Blog
The fantasy and science fiction blog is the best place to find news and information about Hans Cummings novels and short stories, as well as announcements about events and appearances. Here, you will also find various thoughts from Hans, both new and historical. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

Sojourn: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction – Author Interview Series
This week's interview is with Dan Repperger, author of "Surviving Sunset" and host of the Fear the Boot podcast. Where did you get the idea for your story? When people talk about history, we seem to focus on what happened but not always why. As an armchair historian,...
Sojourn: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction – Author Interview Series
This week's interview is with Robert Freund, author of "Keepers of the Flame." Where did you get the idea for your story? I must have watched a documentary at some point about Neanderthals that sparked my interest in human prehistory. I did a little bit of research...
Sojourn: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction – Author Interview Series
Tom McNeil is the author of "Top of the Heap," and the next victim author in my interview series. Where did you get the idea for your story? I started writing "Top of the Heap" around 2002. At the time, I had read several articles on the Internet by futurists...
Sojourn: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction – Author Interview Series
Some time last year, someone at Fear the Boot had the idea to publish an anthology of short fiction written by members of the Fear the Boot Writer's Guild and other genre authors (by invitation). I wrote up a pitch, and my story Forgotten Dreams was accepted and...
A Taste of Teaching
Last week, I stopped by Holy Name Catholic School in Beech Grove, Indiana to speak to two 7th grade classes about writing. I was invited by the teacher after she read my Zack Jackson novels. I've never thought of myself as a teacher, or indeed, as one anyone would...