Fantasy and ScienCe Fiction Blog
Thoughts on Fantasy, Fiction, and Gaming
Hans Cummings Blog
The fantasy and science fiction blog is the best place to find news and information about Hans Cummings novels and short stories, as well as announcements about events and appearances. Here, you will also find various thoughts from Hans, both new and historical. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

New Review for Wings of Twilight
I just found a new review up on Amazon for Wings of Twilight. It's short and to the point, but the reader liked my novel enough to give it four stars! Thanks, Valued Reader! What a great way to start the week off after two days of Snowmageddon!
Reading and Writing
I've heard many times that a good author also has to be a voracious reader. In my youth, from elementary school through high school and college up until 2006, I was a voracious reader. I would devour a book a week, sometimes more. Then, in 2006, during my capstone...
2013 in Review and Looking Ahead
Last year, I set forth several goals for myself. In case you don't want to dig through the archives, they were: Publish Zack Jackson & The Cytherean Academy I accomplished this goal! HUZZAH! It was released on June 9, 2013. I'm really happy with the way this novel...
Zack Jackson & The Hives of Valtra
I have finished the first draft of book three in the Zack Jackson series, Zack Jackson & The Hives of Valtra. Unfortunately, due to holiday madness, editing won't start until after the holidays. Once I get a second draft, I'll be looking for Beta Readers. There...
Book Signing Dec. 13
On December 13th from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, I will be signing books at Half-Price Books in Clearwater Village on the north side of Indianapolis. Books make great Christmas gifts and I will be happy to sign and personalize any of my novels for you or your loved ones. I...