Fantasy and ScienCe Fiction Blog

Thoughts on Fantasy, Fiction, and Gaming

Hans Cummings Blog

The fantasy and science fiction blog is the best place to find news and information about Hans Cummings novels and short stories, as well as announcements about events and appearances. Here, you will also find various thoughts from Hans, both new and historical. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

Fantasy and science fiction blog cropped image of the cover of Salvation

Zack Jackson & The Cult of Athos Excerpt

In this excerpt from Zack Jackson & The Cult of Athos, Zack meets his Junior Ranger squad before departing for Bestic, 260 light years from Earth. Cabin 576 consisted of four seats not unlike those on board the Pan-Galactic Gamma Ray. They looked comfortable with...

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Zack Jackson News!

Zack Jackson & The Cult of Athos has returned from my editor. I just have a few finishing touches to make on the manuscript and it'll be ready for publication. Look for it on Amazon in print and e-book formats by Thanksgiving (or CyberMonday if you're too busy...

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My Writing Process

A lot of writers spend a great deal of time working on an outline before they start writing their novels. They'll chart out every major plot point. I've heard of these outlines reaching tens of thousands of words. It works for them. It doesn't work for me. Outlining a...

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