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Thoughts on Fantasy, Fiction, and Gaming
Hans Cummings Blog
The fantasy and science fiction blog is the best place to find news and information about Hans Cummings novels and short stories, as well as announcements about events and appearances. Here, you will also find various thoughts from Hans, both new and historical. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

Cover Art Evolution – Zack Jackson, part 12
Since there were no characters depicted on the back cover, the artwork didn't take nearly as much time as did the front cover. I like how the "trees" (I call them "gobelek trees" in the book) look so weird. It's like some mad scientist crossbred mushrooms and trees,...
Cover Art Evolution – Zack Jackson, part 11
With the front cover done, Scott Sava embarked upon the back cover. In one way, the back cover was easier: no characters. In another way, it was more difficult: he was more comfortable with figures than with landscapes. The first idea continues the cliffs in the...
Cover Art Evolution – Zack Jackson, part 10
And the front cover is finished! The artist, Scott Christian Sava, added visible breath to Mungus and detailed the snow. I think it looks pretty fantastic. Not only will serve as an eye-catching cover (I hope), but it'll look great on my wall since it's a watercolor...
Cover Art Evolution – Zack Jackson, part 9
The front cover is almost finished! You can see here the background is colored in. In my initial vision, the mountains were more classical, snow-capped, jagged peaks. In the painting, they've taken on a more mesa-like appearance. I asked the artist, Scott Christian...
Cover Art Evolution – Zack Jackson, Part 8
I got to see Mungus colored and Ix colored on the same day, so I won't split that into two different posts. It's pretty amazing to see my character come to life like this. At this point, I'm pretty much just sending feedback that says "Wow, this looks great. Good...