Fantasy and ScienCe Fiction Blog
Thoughts on Fantasy, Fiction, and Gaming
Hans Cummings Blog
The fantasy and science fiction blog is the best place to find news and information about Hans Cummings novels and short stories, as well as announcements about events and appearances. Here, you will also find various thoughts from Hans, both new and historical. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

Character Sneak Preview! Soterios
One of many minotaurs living in a labyrinth within Twilight Dungeon, Soterios is Marshall Sarvesh's second in command. He worries about others more than he should and is known to hit the bottle far too often. Still, he is loyal to Sarvesh and his duties as a Twilight...
Wings of Twilight Update
There hasn't been much to report lately. Wings of Twilight is with the Beta Readers, so there's no point in me monkeying with the manuscript. I was contacted today by my cover artist, however. I made my 50% upfront payment, so my cover art is officially underway! My...
Wings of Twilight – An Excerpt
Below is a short scene showing the drak twins, Kale and Delilah heading off to do what they think is a mundane job. Naturally, it wouldn't make good drama if it really was mundane. Think of the oroqs as similar to the Uruk-hai in Lord of the Rings, though their...
Influences and Inspirations
Growing up, I read a lot of mythology. I took classes on it, too (as do many gamers and fantasy writers). So, I base a lot of the concepts and names in my stories on mythology. Of course, the problem is, a LOT of people do that. Video game designers, film makers,...
My Characters Do Things Unexpectedly
Before I fancied myself a writer, I read about authors saying things like their characters took their story in unexpected directions, or their characters constantly surprise them. I thought, "Yeah, right. You WROTE them, how could you be surprised by something a...