Fantasy and ScienCe Fiction Blog
Thoughts on Fantasy, Fiction, and Gaming
Hans Cummings Blog
The fantasy and science fiction blog is the best place to find news and information about Hans Cummings novels and short stories, as well as announcements about events and appearances. Here, you will also find various thoughts from Hans, both new and historical. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

RPG-a-Day 2018 – Week Three: DESCRIBE… your plans for your next game.
You want me to give everything away? Some of my players read these blogs! There's two ways to answer this: my "next game" being the next time we get together to play and the "next game" being the next adventure campaign I'm going to run. The next time we get together...
RPG-a-Day 2018 – Week Three: DESCRIBE… a tricky RPG experience that you enjoyed.
I'm not sure what's meant by "a tricky RPG experience." Is it one where the scenario was loaded with puzzles and "gotchas!" that require more player skill than character abilities? It is one where you later found out the GM was a horrible person, but you enjoyed the...
RPG-a-Day 2018 – Week Three: DESCRIBE… a failure that became amazing.
I have no answer for this one. This is not something I've ever experienced as a player. As a GM, I don't feel my "failures" with regards to rolls or whatnot are really failures so much as they are moments for the players to really shine. My only real failures as a GM...
RPG-a-Day 2018 – Week Three: DESCRIBE… how your play has evolved.
Back when I started, playing D&D meant little more than going through dungeons, killing monsters and taking their stuff. Sure, we played all the standard modules over time, but still, they were little more than choose-your-own killing order. Eventually, we started...
RPG-a-Day 2018 – Week Two: Wildest Character Concept
I normally don't go for wild concepts. Sure, I've played a misanthrope halfilng druid, or sex-crazed sharpshooter criminal, but nothing too out there. The wildest concept I've ever had at my table, though? It was when I was running D&D 4E and one player floated an...