Fantasy and ScienCe Fiction Blog
Thoughts on Fantasy, Fiction, and Gaming
Hans Cummings Blog
The fantasy and science fiction blog is the best place to find news and information about Hans Cummings novels and short stories, as well as announcements about events and appearances. Here, you will also find various thoughts from Hans, both new and historical. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

The Trusty Steed
This is a reblog of a post; the original post is linked after my comments. I didn't use horses in Wings of Twilight for one simple reason: I forgot until I was two-thirds of the way through the first draft. Then, I decided that there was a perfectly reasonable...
Cyber Monday Sale! (through Friday)
Scars of the Sundering, books 1 and 2 (Malediction and Lament) are only $0.99 for Kindle. Book 3 (Salvation) is FREE! Scars of the Sundering is an epic fantasy trilogy telling the tale of the minotaur Pancras and his friends, the drak twins Kale and Delilah, as they...
Pancras Fan Art
I just received a lovely piece of fan art. Obviously, it's Pancras and he looks great. I think he'd be a bit embarrassed and no doubt the drak twins would tease him for weeks.
Gen Con 50 Wrap-Up!
The Best Four Days of Gaming™ have come and gone and Gen Con 50 is behind us. I came away with a pleasing number of sales (which will hopefully generate some new fans for the World of Calliome and Zack Jackson), some new ideas, and a few hopes for future...
Best of Indy Nomination Time!
Thanks to everyone who came to see me on Author's Avenue this weekend! Each year, I participate in a local contest: Best of Indy. You can to vote daily to nominate your favorite Indianapolis business and personalities and I would appreciate your support in the Best...