Sadly, I was not able to have Summer of Crows completed in time for the convention (editing and revision a 160,000+ word novel takes a long time), but I will have copies of all my other World of Calliome and Zack Jackson novels for sale. I’ll also be taking pre-orders for Summer of Crows. $20 gets you a signed copy mailed direct to your address of choice as soon as it’s printed (before Christmas is my best estimate on this).
In addition, I’ll be taking part in the Family Trick or Treat on Oct. 31! Trick or Treaters who stop by my table between 4pm and 6pm on Halloween will not only get some delicious candy (and anyone who knows me can tell you I only spring for GOOD candy), but also a free print copy of Zack Jackson & The Cult of Athos! I may even be dressed up for the occasion, if I can fit a costume in my car in addition to all the books I need to bring (as well as luggage).