If you plan on looking for me at Gen Con (and let’s be honest, why wouldn’t you?), then take a gander at this map. I’ll be at the little red square most of the convention. That’s table AF on Author’s Avenue, around 1250, if you’re proficient navigating by the row numbers dangling from the ceiling. Just look for the 6′ tall minotaur banner and my ruggedly handsome face!



I will have copies of all of my books for sale, including the first novel in the Scars of the Sundering trilogy, Malediction (making its world debut at Gen Con!). Purchasers of Zack Jackson novels will get their very own Junior Ranger patch, too! (I’d sell ’em, but Gen Con won’t let me at an Author’s Avenue table.)

You can also see Anna B. Meyer’s beautiful map in poster-sized. There might be a Valtraxian at the table, too. Hope to see you next week!