The period of Kindle exclusivity on Wings of Twilight and Iron Fist of the Oroqs ends on Saturday. Beginning Sunday (or Monday, depending on how long it takes the files to process through the system), you’ll be able to purchase both novels in The Foundation of Drak-Anor series on Smashwords, DriveThruFiction, and possibly Kobo Writing Life. I’m still looking into ways to get my novels into the iBookstore without buying an Apple PC.

On Sunday, March 3rd, Kindle exclusivity ends for Zack Jackson & The Cult of Athos and you’ll be able to find that novel in the aforementioned stores.

As always, print versions are available through Amazon & CreateSpace.

I will be attending Gen Con this year with a table on Author’s Avenue. I’ll be there to sell and sign books when ever the Dealer Hall is open (with a few hour-long exceptions). If you plan to attend, stop by and say “Hi!” There’s a possibility that I might have a con-exclusive hardcover edition compilation of The Foundation of Drak-Anor available for sale there, too, depending on how the pricing shakes out. More news on that later.