rpg a day 2018
Well, that’s pretty easy. Over the next year, I would like to finish our Tomb of Annihilation game and start a new campaign using a system we have not played that extensively. Of course, what that will be will be determined by everyone’s mood, but if, for example, everyone is jonesing for a Star Wars game, I would use WEG D6 system instead of FFG narrative dice system (even though I’ve run multiple Star Wars d6 campaigns, but they were all in the 1990s).

If I had to choose right now, I might go for something like Hollow Earth Expedition, Pulp Cthulhu, Tales from the Loop, or Predation, but by the time we wrap up Tomb of Annihilation, a couple of us will have Flash Gordon, John Carter of Mars, and who knows what else? I’m certain that there will be a multiple session hiatus wherein we will play Blades in the Dark.