If you’re coming to Gen Con 50 next month (it’s only about 3 weeks away as of this posting!), you may be asking yourself: How do I find Hans and his wonderful books*?
I’m easy to find at Gen Con. Sure, I joke a lot about how I always seem to be in the bathroom or on a food run when people come by to see me, but the majority of my time when the Dealer Hall is open is spent at my table on Author’s Avenue. Gen Con has a lovely interactive map of the Dealer Hall this year, and my table, AD, is clearly shown (with a label, even!).
I’m fairly close to where I was last year, just closer to a high-traffic area. That should be good for sales. You’ll know you’ve found the right table if you see a tall banner of a swanky-looking minotaur.
Pancras isn’t hard to miss. He thinks you should buy the conclusion to the Scars of the Sundering trilogy, Salvation
, while you’re there. After all, if you don’t, you won’t find out his ultimate fate, nor that of the drak twins, Kale & Delilah.
Of course, if you haven’t read the previous book, Lament will be available, too. And if you’ve read none of Scars of the Sundering (*gasp*), well, all three will be available for a special price if you purchase the trilogy.
I’ll also have a con-exclusive short story, “Burble’s Big Day.” Conventions and my personal appearances are the only place you’ll be able to purchase this illustrated book suitable for ages 8 and up. It makes an excellent gift for young readers you want to introduce to fantasy.
* You may not be asking yourself that, but maybe you should. 😀
Regrettably I now have to miss Gen Con. And it’s year 50 too. I’ll have to get a copy of the book mailed to me. Hope it’s a great show and you sell more books Hans!