Zack Jackson 2 bluesteel

We working on the final read-through of Zack Jackson & The Cytherean Academy. The cover art is underway and looking great. I estimate that it should go up for sale on Amazon for Kindle and in print no later than the middle of May. In the meantime, I can offer you a few pieces of art I’m going to feature in the novel.

Hermes Final

Venus Express’s Hermes interplanetary transport

Cytherea Final

Cytherea floats 50 km above the Venusian surface

If you’re going to Gen Con, I will have a table on Author’s Avenue where I will be selling (and signing) copies of my books. There is a good chance I’ll have a limited-printing, convention-exclusive hardcover compilation of The Foundation of Drak-Anor, as well. Stop by and say “Hi!”