zack jackson redearthtone

Zack Jackson & The Cult of Athos has returned from my editor. I just have a few finishing touches to make on the manuscript and it’ll be ready for publication. Look for it on Amazon in print and e-book formats by Thanksgiving (or CyberMonday if you’re too busy over the holiday weekend). I will, of course, make an announcement here and on all the social networking sites I’m on when I release it. For the first 90 days, the e-book will be Kindle exclusive.
I have also started work on the second book in the series, Zack Jackson & The Cytherian Academy. Book 2 picks up where Zack Jackson & The Cult of Athos leaves off and tells the story of Zack’s first term at the prestigious Cytherian Academy. The Academy is a school with a 6-year program designed to bring students from the Earth-Alpha Centauri Alliance up to speed with current technology and integrate them into the galactic community. Of course, the Academy will accept students from the Galactic Confederation and Korrolian Association of Free Planets if they can pass the entrance examinations, so Zack will have plenty of opportunities to interact with Devorans, Ersidians, Valtraxians, and other aliens, like the amoeba-like Ryll. The Academy itself is part of Cytheria, a city floating 50 kilometers high in the atmosphere of Venus. It’s a pretty exotic location and I’m having a lot of fun writing it, so far. Of course, Venus itself is more fascinating in real life than it has been depicted in fiction, and I’m looking forward to bringing the true story of our hellish twin to light. There are no tropical forests or tall, Amazonian women on Venus in the universe of Zack Jackson or in real life.