Fantasy and ScienCe Fiction Blog

Thoughts on Fantasy, Fiction, and Gaming

Hans Cummings Blog

The fantasy and science fiction blog is the best place to find news and information about Hans Cummings novels and short stories, as well as announcements about events and appearances. Here, you will also find various thoughts from Hans, both new and historical. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

Fantasy and science fiction blog cropped image of the cover of Salvation

Character Preview: Qaliah

In my last character Sneak Peak, we looked at The Golden Slayer. Also making her debut in Scars of the Sundering: Lament, is the fiendling Qaliah. Pancras encounters Qaliah at the Arcane University in Muncifer. She already knows Gisella and is currently working off a...

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Character Preview: The Golden Slayer

It's not a spoiler to reveal that our heroes reach Muncifer in Lament, book 2 of Scars of the Sundering. A new locale means new characters, and two women enter Pancras's life and change the course of his future. The first is The Golden Slayer, Gisella Vibekedottir, a...

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