foolmoonFool Moon is the second novel in the Dresden Files series. It took me longer to finish it than it really should have. Real Life™ intruded, and the fact that several people were telling me that this was the worst of the Dresden File books probably didn’t help.

I can see why people think this book is weaker than the first Dresden Files book. Harry makes several well-intentioned, but boneheaded decisions which cause no small amount of complications that would’ve been avoided if he had just been up front with someone. It’s nice, however, that he gets called out on this sort of thing, and I think it’s just part of his character development. I also understand that some of the characterizations are shaky in the first several books and these problems all go away once Jim Butcher finds his stride and decides what the Dresden Files are going to be.

Fool Moon can be summed up as Harry Dresden vs. werewolves. I liked that the story featured several different types of werewolves, as well as the continued exploration of the negative side of using the more primal emotions (anger, fear, lust) to fuel magic, and indeed, as a motivation.

I can’t really get into more detail on my feelings about this because of the breaks I took; all I can say is I never felt like reading it was a chore, I never felt like I wasn’t connecting with the characters. I just got distracted by life, and it’s causing me difficulty in being detailed with this review. I enjoyed Fool Moon, and I have to say, if this is the WORST Dresden Files has to offer, then getting through the rest of this series is going to be very enjoyable indeed.